If you have any questions about UTIMI products, including after-sales service, please contact us!
Let the Voices of Influencers do the Talking

Utimi invites influential social media workers and product experts to participate in the testing of every sex toy. Through your objective and unbiased experience and sharing, good products will be recommended and bad products will be eliminated from the market. Don't miss the perfect opportunity to work with brands that value product quality and user experience, and fulfill our mission together:
Professionally Test And Recommend Each Toy For You!

Utimi invites influential social media workers and product experts to participate in the testing of every sex toy. Through your objective and unbiased experience and sharing, good products will be recommended and bad products will be eliminated from the market. Don't miss the perfect opportunity to work with brands that value product quality and user experience, and fulfill our mission together:
Professionally Test And Recommend Each Toy For You!

To enhance the user experience, {{siteName}} invite you to join our Free Trial Program. In addition we need hear your honest & valuable feedback or advices, which can help us manufacture better products and provide greater service. Please contact us and tell us the SKU of the product you like.Apply now and we will contact you shortly.
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Application steps:
  • Enter the delivery address
  • Receive the product
  • Write about your use experience
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