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Strap on Dildo - The BEST we've tried!

By Steve Myers On May 21, 2024
Would you recommend it to Beginner? Intermediate? Advanced?
The wide strap and sturdy attachment allows the beginner to enjoy the product with a minimum of fumbling and adjustment. Intermediate users will appreciate the different vibrating modes. The advanced user will love the ruggedness of the design, which allows for quite vigorous use. ALL user levels will appreciate the realism of the form and materials of this magnificent piece.
Other users should buy the product if he/she...
Interested in role play and going outside the box.
Other users should NOT buy the product if he/she...
1. Prefer a very large dildo--or a very small one. 2. Are easily intimidated.
Steve Myers
Product Function:
The belt is sturdy and wide enough to hold the dildos in place--unlike others from different makers we've tried. If the strap is too thin, it's very difficult to have one end stay where it needs to, let alone both. NOT SO with this one. It stays in place, which allows you to focus on the FUN, not the toy. Both of us were very...well...satisfied with the size, shape, and vibrating function. The multiple holes allow for just the right placement of the dildos for each participant. Solitary play is something we haven't tried...yet...
Product Design:
The materials are absolutely top-shelf. The shape and form of the dildos is very realistic indeed, which makes for an extremely satisfying experience. Very appealing to the visual as well as the more tactile senses, shall we say. All of the added details and textures can be felt as well as seen. The different vibrating modes are a great bonus that allows one (or both) to mix things up. The remote control works very well. Clean-up couldn't be easier--rinse with warm water and allow to dry!
Product Packaging:
Very discreet outer shipping packaging. Elegant product packaging that only adds to the experience. The storage bag is a nice touch!
Delivery speed:
The product arrived more quickly than we expected it to. VERY happy with the speed of delivery!
Sturdy construction. Highly realistic materials and visual impact. Ease of use. Ease of clean-up.
None that we can think of!
We...are quite happy indeed with this item. We've used several of these before, with varying levels of satisfaction. There was always something missing: Either the strap was too thin, the attachment was too flimsy, the sizes/shapes were too large/too small/too unrealistic, the vibrating mechanism was too loud, the materials felt cheap, or combinations of these. THIS...is the first one we've used that checks all the boxes. Realistic form with the head and veins is quite a nice feature. The texture and material only adds to that. The ease of clean-up and quick charging time make for a toy that we will use--often.
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